Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities

Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities in the classroom


At the beginning of the school year, our class will brainstorm a list of rights that each child and adult has while they are at school. Each year the lists will be different, so this information is TBA. However, should students "forget" important parts, Ms. Martine will help fill in the list so that each student has the rights:

to learn without interference or criticism

to ask questions

to feel safe

to get help when needed

to speak respectfully to others

to fair consequences

the responsibilities:

to keep their learning environment clean

to keep up with his/her own class work and homework

to report any hurtful, defacing, or bullying behavior

to help other students in need

to speak respectfully to others

to let others speak and think for themselves

and will follow the rules:

Follow directions to the best of your ability

Keep hands, feet, and objects in your own space

Treat other students and adults the way you would want to be treated

Wait to be acknowledged before speaking

Treat classroom materials as you would want your favorite keepsake treated



