
Homework for Ms. Martine's 1st graders

Homework Policy: Students are expected to keep up with their homework assignments as they are given in school and completed at home. Students need to record the assignment name and due date in their blue folder. Students need to inform their parents of any homework they are assigned, but it is not the responsibility of the parent to complete or keep track of the work. Students should arrive with homework completed and place it in the green bin by the door for Ms. Martine to record submission and to grade. Homework should include a name and the student's best effort. Late work is NOT accepted unless a special circumstance is noted from parents/guardians. "Because my mom forgot it," "Because my dad left it in his car," "Because my sister didn't help me," or "Because I didn't know," are not valid excuses! If a student is absent for an excused reason, he/she will be given the number of absent days to complete the work and hand it in. (For example, if John is absent 2 days, he has 2 days to complete the homework.)

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Social Studies